Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 21, 2016- Springs Greetings!

Hello everyone! How is life in Arizona/Colorado/Anywhere else these emails are read?

So, it's officially spring now! That's exciting! We've been having awesome weather lately, so me and the chums are going on daily jogs in the morning to get our systems moving. It's...difficult at times, but I think it'll pay off in the long run. (No pun intended, of course)

Our whole companionship is pretty much healthy now, which is a good sign. We have all been trying really hard to find some new people to teach. And honestly? It could be going better. We have a few potential people we're going to try, and the ward has got a list of names for us that we're going to go over tomorrow night.

In other news, Jordan officially got the priesthood yesterday! That's right, he is officially a Priest now! I'm excited to see him start using his priesthood in upcoming weeks, hopefully to help bless the Priesthood, since we are low on Priests in our ward.

Other than that, we have been trying to meet with Chelsea again, as well as Juan and Mary, and get them to come out to church. So, please keep our investigators in your prayers.

We had Elder Pino come and talk to us for Stake Conference, and it was really cool. He spoke in his native language, and Bishop Reyelts (who teaches English as a second language) translated for him. He gave us a really awesome message that I wish my sick brain had retained more information about.

In terms of a spiritual thought, I gave this story in Testimony meeting a few weeks ago, and those of you in the Lakeside or Spring Creek ward probably remember this. Basically, this story is about a turkey. And this turkey learned something pretty amazing for a turkey: he learned how to fly. So, he gathered his turkeys together in a meeting and teaches all of them how to fly. And the lead turkey is a great teacher and teaches every turkey how to fly, and all of them fly around for the first times in their lives.

About an hour of this passes, and the lead turkey ends the meeting. And all of the turkeys WALK home.

So, what's the point? The point is, sometimes we go to meetings and experience these great things, great concepts, and new ways to live life better. But then we walk home, and we don't apply those things to our lives. We have the potential of these turkeys, the potential to fly. It's really our choice whether or not we walk or we fly.

Thank you all so much for everyone's support! I will talk to you all next week!

-Elder Hanley

Thursday, March 3, 2016

February 29, 2016- Greetings, Humans!

Hello people of Earth. I am Elder Hanley, and have I got an email for you.

So...I was super sick this past week. Along with Elder Vaka, we tried to stay as close as possible to the downstairs bathroom in case anything felt like exiting our mouths at high velocities. But we are feeling a bit better now.

So, this last week has been pretty slow because of that. We got back in touch with Juan and Mary, and that was really cool to see them again! We got to do some service, helping some people move in, that sort of thing, and that was really cool too.

We've also been working more with our Ward Missionaries, so on Tuesday, Brother Wolf and I went out and visited some people.

So, because not a lot has happened lately, I thought I'd share a little bit of info about my companions so you can get to know them better.

ELDER VAKA is Tongan, but he was born in Hawaii, and was raised in Arizona. Because of his Polynesian upbringing, his family is super close, and they eat some...interesting foods that I'd actually like to try sometime. Namely Horse. Elder Vaka loves Horse.

ELDER TAUTUI is Samoan, but he was raised in California. Because he and Elder Vaka come from to races are are vastly opposed to each other, they hate each other. Just kidding, they are like brothers. But they do poke fun at each other a lot. Elder Tautui pretty much always has a smile on his face and a joke at the ready/

This email has been a little bit different, but I wasn't sure what else to write about this week.

Thank you all so much for all the support you give me! I unfortunately have no pictures for the week, since I totally forgot to take any this week. But next week for sure!

I love you all!

-Elder Hanley