Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015- Greetings from Colorado!

Hello World!

Sorry I was unable to email this last week, things were kinda crazy last Monday. We boarded a bus at 3:30 in the morning, rode it to where we caught a train, rode that to the airport, and arrived in Denver. We then spent all day at the Mission Home, and then the next day, I got my companions.

I'm assigned to serve in Montrose, Colorado, which is a little town "Out West" of Denver. We boarded the Transfer Train for a 6 hour car ride to Montrose. I met my companions, (yes, I get two of them) Elder Smith, who is from California. And Elder Noblott, who is from Salt Lake. Both of them have been out a year and a half and are super cool.

Montrose is a funny little town, full of Christian churches, and nice people. They'll listen to what we have to say most of the time, but we have a lot of difficulty finding people who will accept a Book of Mormon, or even be interested in setting up an appointment with us. We're working really hard, and I feel like blessings are just around the corner.

Our apartment is literally right next door to another apartment of Elders, and their apartment has a washer and dryer. It's super convenient if you need to do an emergency load of laundry, like I did.

In terms of weather, it's pretty chilly here, but I can get by most days without wearing a jacket. It's been rainy a lot, which apparently means that the snow is on it's way. So, as long as the snow isn't 5 feet deep, I'm Ok. I don't much feel like tracting through blizzards, but that's just me.

So, things have been good but a little stressful. I'm learning a lot all at once, and it can be a little overwhelming. My trainers are super helpful, though, and have been giving me some great advise on how best to calm down and enjoy my mission. I'm getting there, and I know that I'll grow and learn from this experience in ways I don't fully understand yet.

Thank you all so much for the support you've given me! Seriously, I say it a lot because it's true. This mission would be 10 times harder without you guys supporting me and cheering me on! You all are the best! I will email again next week.

Elder Hanley

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Week 2! October 16, 2015

So, today is day 10 of my Mission, and I'm honestly getting a little tired of the MTC. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving feeling the spirit and learning how to teach, but this place is kind of like a prison. A good prison where they feed you pretty good food and let you go to the temple and stuff, but a place of incarceration nonetheless.

Enough of my fancy speech. We've been teaching two investigators, one of whom is our teacher pretending, and another who may or may not be a member. But they are both super cool, and by teaching them, we are learning how to rely on the spirit more. It's been really cool, since one of them is progressing really well, and is reading the Book of Mormon and we're encouraging her to pray about it. We have our last lesson with her tonight, so pray for me and my companion!

We have had some cool experiences as well. On Sunday, I was really stressed out, and I was kind of overwhelmed. So, the Elders in my room gave me a blessing of comfort, and that helped a lot. We also had a devotional later that night, where we watched a recorded talk by David A. Bednar (My favorite!) and it was all about the character of Christ, and was mainly about focusing on others, and not on ourselves. It was really, really powerful, and exactly what I needed to hear. Too bad that the talk is only available for viewing in the MTC, so I won't be able to see it again.

We went to the temple and did a session today, and I enjoyed it a lot. It was nice to be in such a peaceful place after a week plus of a slightly overwhelming environment.

If there's one of the rules that is the most difficult to follow, it's going to bed on time. I'm still not used to trying to go to bed at 10:30, and it usually takes me like an hour to get to bed. Waking up usually isn't a problem, but if anyone has some techniques for falling asleep quickly, they would be greatly appreciated.

So, I report to Denver this Monday, and I get to get up at 3:30 in the morning for it. (Yaaaaaaay...)

Oh! And the scripture I forgot the reference for last time. It was Alma 38:15. It's awesome, and is one of my new favorite scriptures!

I know the Church is true, and even though I have days where I'm stressed out, I know I'm supposed to be here, and I know there are people in Denver who have been prepared to hear my message. I'm scared, but excited to go out and teach. Thank you all so much for your support! I really couldn't do any of this without it.

I love you all!
-Elder Hanley

P.S.: I've been recording video logs, but they are apparently too big. So, I'll try to figure out a way to send those home.

My District. They are pretty much the coolest ever. It feels like I've known them for a lot longer than 10 days, and it's gonna be sad to say goodbye to them. Granted, four of us are headed to Denver, so that'll be good.

Me enjoying a cookie back on Day 1. The Elders who arrived the week before us just gave us a bunch of food. I was very pleased.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Elder Hanley's MTC Update- Week One

Hey everyone! Fridays are Carl's P-days! So here is Elder Hanley's first email! :)

So, day 3 of my mission, and things are going good. The classes are going good, and I have a cool companion, Elder Didericksen, is really cool.

We are kept pretty busy here at the MTC, but I'm Ok with it. I enjoy the classes, and have been feeling the spirit in almost all of them. The only time I struggle with is when they give us study time. I'm still not amazing at studying, though I have found some really cool stuff while studying. (More on that later)

The food is fine. Honestly, I guess I was expecting food from a five-star restaurant or something. The food is just fine. The other missionaries in my class are all really cool, and we're already really good friends.

So, I have been stressing a little bit about the length of the mission, but I'm getting through it. Today in class, I was studying, and I found a scripture in Alma that said something along the lines, "Go, my son, and preach the gospel to this people." I feel bad for not having my scriptures on me to check the actual quote, but it was a really great spiritual moment, and I just started crying. I felt like God was saying the words directly to me, and it was just really spiritual and emotional.

I accidentally left the cord to my camera in my room, so I don't have it with me at the moment. I will send pictures next week, when I write again. Don't fret, you'll see pictures soon.

Even though I'm kind of scared still, I know this is where I'm supposed to be. I love you all, and thank you all so much for all the support you give me!

Elder Hanley

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Elder Hanley's first day! BEST MISSIONARY EVER!!!

Hey everyone, I'm Kara Haven (Carl's girlfriend), and I will be running Carl's mission blog for him while he's out. I will post Carl's updates that he sends on here. I'm so proud of Carl's decision to serve and I know he's going to make an incredible missionary!

As of yesterday at 8:45 p.m., Carl was set apart as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Spirit was incredibly strong, and I know that what he was blessed with, is going to help him, so much during his mission.

As of this morning, Elder Hanley has reported to the MTC, where he will spend the next couple of weeks preparing before heading out to Denver. I'm super excited for him, and I know that he's going to influence so many lives!

I will post Elder Hanley's emails on here, once I receive them! :) here's to the BEST MISSIONARY EVER!!!! :)


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Who is Elder Hanley anyways?

Hi There! My name (for now) is Carl Hanley. In just a little while, my name will change to Elder Hanley for 2 (!) Years. I'm off to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I've been called to serve in the Denver, Colorado South Mission. I'll be speaking the exotic and difficult to learn English language.

Once I report, the lovely and talented Kara Haven will be taking stewardship of this here blog. She'll be posting any emails I send home, any pictures I send back, and anything else she deems relevant. Maybe she'll just post funny memes and videos. Who knows, really?

I'm off to preach the gospel to share what makes me happy. The gospel of Jesus Christ has changed my life, and I owe it something in return. So, I'm off to teach anyone who will listen, in hopes of making their lives a little better and a lot happier. There will be tough times and happy times, but it'll be worth it in the end.